Michelle Ezell EA LTC

Grants Pass, OR

No More Surprise Visits From the IRS

September 2, 2023

Hold onto your receipts and get ready to bid farewell to those unexpected knocks on your door – the IRS is rolling out a new policy twist that's set to rewrite the rulebook.

In a groundbreaking policy shift, the IRS has implemented a significant change aimed at enhancing safety and clarity for taxpayers and IRS revenue officers alike. Departing from their long-standing tradition of unannounced visits to homes and businesses, they have adopted a new approach. Rather than surprising taxpayers, the IRS will now initiate contact by sending a scheduled meeting letter. This pivotal change marks a crucial step in their mission to revamp operations and provide improved service to the public. 


The National Treasury Employees Union supports this decision because it prioritizes the safety of IRS employees. There are also concerns about scammers pretending to be IRS agents, making it even more crucial to end these unannounced visits. 


With this new approach, you can expect to receive an appointment letter (known as 725-B) to set up a face-to-face meeting at a convenient time and place. This way, you'll be better prepared for the discussion, and it should speed up the resolution process. 


While most visits will now be scheduled, there might be a few rare situations where unannounced visits are necessary, like serving summonses or subpoenas or dealing with sensitive enforcement activities. 


The IRS is updating their website and guidelines to reflect these changes. And remember, if you have unpaid tax bills, there are options available to you, and we can help! Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

Image by alehdats